Federal Public Service Commission FPSC

Public Service Commission was established in Pakistan in 1947. Later, Federal Public Service Commission was formed according to the 1973 act and it is functioning since 1973. FPSC conducts CSS competitive exams to fill the vacant places of Federal government and ministries. These CSS exams are held every year and minimum bachelor degree is required to take part in these exams. Thousands of students from all around the country participate in these CSS exams which comprise of written test, interview and psychological test. Passing all these exams is necessary to qualify for the desired post. We can say that FPSC selects cream of the nation for the posts of Federal organizations through the toughest test of CSS.
FPSC announces the admission and registration for the eligible candidates at its website and newspapers couple of months before the start of the exams. Soon after the registration process, the FPSC selects the candidates for CSS exams.
Model papers and past papers are very important as they help the students to prepare for their exams. Model papers are available from the official site of FPSC while past papers can be purchased from market. Model papers are made according to the latest paper pattern and syllabus of the exams while past papers inform the students about the important questions which can be asked in the CSS exams.
Date sheets of CSS exams are issued couple of months before the start of the exams which show the examination schedule of the exams while roll number slips for the students are issued one month before the start of the exams. Roll number slips contain examination city, place, time table etc. along with the roll number of the candidate. Date sheets can be seen and taken from the official site of the board while roll number slips are posted to the mentioned addresses of the candidates.
Just after few months of the exams, FPSC announces the results of CSS for the candidates which are uploaded at the official site of the FPSC while result cards are sent to the candidates by post. Passed students of written test are later called for the interview and psychological test.